v.v. Ariston '80


Become a member

Ariston '80 is for all students who enjoy playing football. You can only become a member if you are a student, the institution you study at or the city does not matter as long as you want to (learn) to play football and like to do things with your team or the association.

You can join Ariston '80 if you are a student. You can register with Ariston only before the start of the season. You can find more information about this on the become a member page! 

All members of Ariston '80 also play competitive matches. So it is not possible to become a training member only.

Je betaalt jaarlijks €77,- contributie aan Ariston’80, dit is voor jouw inschrijving bij de KNVB en voor de faciliteiten die de club jou biedt. Hiernaast ben je verplicht een sportkaart te kopen van X. Deze is €164,- per jaar. LET OP: ook al ben je niet het hele jaar beschikbaar om te spelen, het is verplicht (vanuit X) om het jaarabonnement aan te schaffen. Ben je het tweede half jaar naar het buitenland, dan is er de mogelijkheid naderhand restitutie aan te vragen bij X.

General questions

The season starts at the end of September and lasts until the end of May. If your team also participates in the cup or is part of the selection, the season starts around the beginning of September.

All Ariston’80 matches will be played on Saturdays. The Times at which the matches are played depend on your team, and may change per week. The training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday if you play in the selection, otherwise one of the two. 

Most home games are played at X, TU Delft. Some of the games are played externally, due to a large growth in membership in the last few years. These external matches are played at DHC Delft, Brasserskade, Sportring 2, about 10 minutes by bike from the center.

It depends on the team you are on. The rule with the selection teams is that you should basically always be there. For the non-selection teams, this is a bit less strict, especially in terms of training. How often you attend training depends on your enthusiasm! For competitions, however, it applies to the whole association that you are there as often as possible. 

In addition to the wonderful sport that connects us, we organize a lot of activities that ensure that you can do all kinds of fun things with your team and club mates. Every Wednesday and Saturday we have drinks in the TAP, we organize several tournaments, we have a beautiful club magazine and much more, such as a club weekend, King's day activity and a Christmas dinner. Most of the activities are held in our own building, the TAP, located in the center of Delft, which is open every week on Wednesdays and Saturdays for members to get together and have the necessary drinks. Everything is organised by our own members and committees. More information about committees can be found on the committee page.